Friday, September 19, 2008

The Celts

This week we learned about the Celts. We read some Celtic Legends including Beowulf and made Celtic dragon brooches. Me thinks that all the kids will remember is that sometimes they battled naked and hung the disembodied heads of their enemies over their doors to honor them. We also dressed in Celtic cloaks with their brooches. I think they should have been naked. Would have made for a much better picture.


Shannon said...

You are so funny Laura!

Cute idea!

Nelson Nitwits said...

I don't think I want to meet your kids in a dark alley! I'm scared just looking at the picture in broad daylight!

Bennett Family said...

you seriously amaze me!!! i'm not kidding. can MY kids come to your school? i will pay you handsomely! :)